Talk over someone by accident(当不小心打断别人时):

Sorry I interrupted, you were saying … ?
Sorry go ahead/ go on.

useful expressions for video conference(视频会议一些非常有用的表达):

Identify yourself (表明身份)

Gaoying speaking, can we have a break?

Did not hear clearly (听不太清晰时)

Can you speak up a little bit?
Can you say it again ?
Sorry I did’t get that? what did you say?

How to interrupt (如何打断插话)

Would you mind if I jump in here please ?
Can I stop you for just one second please?

Leave for a moment (临时离开)

I will be back later.
I am gonna step away for a few minutes.

Deal with technical issues (网络不畅通)

My internet is a bit slow.
Can you move closer to the router?
Sorry I am late, I had hard time in connecting.
I am having problems with my connection.

Try to adjust your output settings (调整外接设备)

It sounds like you have echoes.
Gaoying, are you still with us?
Sorry my mic was off. / you are muted. Is your microphone on mute?
Gaoying is cutting off.

Office Tips

talk to you later.
Sure, OK, Yes, No problem. Exactly, Absolutely, Of course, Correct.
No, Not yet. Not now. I don’t think So. I Have different opinion; I might disagree with you.

Leave Application

Dear Manager, I would like to apply for a three-day leave, starting from the 13th and finishing on 15th, in order
to return home to fix something.
I should be very much obliged if you will grant me the leave.

Job Report

Dear XX:
I am writing to report my work progress of this week. The details of XXX project are as follows:
I may need your help for below 2 aspects:
Above all are all my work items during this week, if you have time ,I would like to have a private talk with you for more detials。If any queries, please contact me. thank you.

Email Ask Question

I wanted to follow up on or meeting last week and confirm our plans for this month.
I would like to ask about the budget and whether this will affect our department.
Do you know when the database issues will be fixed ?
Let’s confirm our plans for this month.
How will the new budget affect our department?
I’m concerned about the number of sick days staff have been talking recently.
I suggest that you contact all clients who may have been affected by the data breach.
Can I ask you to design a poster to inform staff about the new policies?
